Elementals of Light Art Gallery
The fate of the world lies in the hands of the eight Elementals of Light, powerful beings who each command their own element.
Life-Bearing Earth
The leader of the Elements.
Earth Element: A physical element that requires its user to gain strength to cast larger spells due to the natural weight of rocks and metal. A wielder of Earth has a passive strength making them able to punch through wood and stone. They must mind how much force they apply. To wield any magic there must be source nearby. Because of this, earthen magic is often destructive, as the object affected can never be returned to its previous form. Magnetism is a force that an Earth Elemental can also manipulate. Wherever there are rocks that have magnetic properties nearby an Earth Elemental can repel against or pull towards the source by shifting their magnetic poles. This gives the illusion that they can fly. Highly taxing on their energy, they will not use the ability for very long. Manipulation of all elements requires the laws of physics and nature be respected. Because of this, TSDS’s magic system is grounded in scientific reality as much as possible.
I was asked if Justin can shatter bones. Because bones are made up of minerals, yes, he could. However, a living being is made up of all other elements as well. Because of the system of checks and balances that prevent an elemental from having dominance, Justin cannot shatter the bones of a living things the way he can a rock. A good thing, for such a power would be far too much and immensely lethal.
Elemental Rage: When under the influence of Elemental Rage an Earth Elemental can cause Earthquakes or gather earth objects around them which eventually burst away from them with a push of magnetism and become lethal projectiles.
Prince Justin Arisdale
He is a natural born leader and easily assumes control of any situation. His allies know this and will always look to him first for tactical advice. Wise, protective, and kind of heart; he is also known for his fierce temper and earthen magic.
Age: 25
Height: 7 foot
Species: Velociraptor
Birthplace: Arisdale
“One must feel fear without allowing fear to control.”
“In these times ‘tis best to remember your sense of justice, your faith, your honor, your love, and the creed of Arisdale which makes our hearts beat and our resolve strong.”
Life-Giving Water
Water Elemental: Much like their element, a Water Elemental tends to be a person who is fluid, soothing, comforting, nurturing, but also turbulent and lethal. Water is a vital element for living things. The force of a Water Elementals abilities is increased with range due to the laws of physics. Water though fluid, becomes as solid as concrete around 100 meters or 300 feet. At this distance the water surface tension is so high one could die in a second. They have an easier time finding their element to use in battle as they can pull together moisture from the air or even someone’s breath. Though this is true, how much they have to use depends on how much is available to them. The closer they are to a natural water source the more saturated the air will be.
Elemental Rage: When under the influence of Elemental Rage, a water elemental can summon torrential downpours, flooding, and/or cause a tsunami.
Miral Akemi (my-ral)
Age: 20
Height: 5.5"
Species: Human
Birthplace: Fovran
Magic: Water
Softspoken and kind of heart, Miral is a unique soul. Afraid of her magic, and ever harming another with it. She struggles to accept herself and her abilities.
“What do you see?”
“You see things for what they are. Be true to yourself. Your natural being is what will lead you to success.”
“‘Tis created when life-bearing earth and life-giving waters combine into one. The power of healing and light.” -Justin Arisdale
Holy Elemental: The element of holy gives the wielder the power to heal and use light. Most of a holy elemental’s abilities are defensive and supportive; however, they can wield light in an offensive way. Summoning a weapon of light or channeled into a beam. They can use their magic to look inside the body, much like modern medical imaging, using the pulses of light that exist with in all living things. While their healing magic is very powerful there are limitations. Broken bones and loss of blood cannot be restored with light magic. Blood needs to form or transplanted. Bones, as was mentioned with the Earth element, are not of light. They can seal wounds and treat illness with light magic by manipulating the light within living things to advancing healing.
When under the effects of Elemental Rage a holy elemental can blind others with the radiance of light, or wound with a burst of light waves.
Galena Shannahan
Age: 40
Height: 6-5
Species: Bird of Paradise
Eye Color: Aqua
Birthplace: Mystia
Magic: Holy
Aunt of Prince Justin Arisdale
“‘Twill not be difficult for her to show us all how wrong we are.”
When the earth is ravaged by fire, life is reborn, and the power of nature is formed.
Nature Elemental: An Elemental of Nature is passive and gentle. At one with nature, they can control plants and animals. They can also communicate with and understand them.
Elemental Rage: When under the influence of elemental rage, a nature elemental can cause overgrowth of plants and frenzied animals which can lead to a stampede or destruction. Due to their calm and gentle disposition, Nature Elementals do not fall victim to rage easily.
Kedros Okami
Age: 17
Height: 5-8
Species: Part Wolf and Human
Eye Color: Aqua
Hair Color: Tan
Skin Color: Brown and Tan
Birthplace: Glenn Woods
Magic: Nature
“We don’t know her, but unconditional love can be given by anyone at any time.”
Rebirth and Renewal
Fire Elemental: As fierce as their element, a Fire Elemental tends to be a hothead by nature.
Elemental Rage: The results of rage for a fire elemental is usually lethal. A blast of heat that ignites anything on fire and intense heat waves.
Sara Phoenix
Age: 32
Height: 5-8
Species: Mixed
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Red
Skin Color: Light Tan
Birthplace: Volga
Magic: Fire
Sara has a secret disclosed in the book.
“You decided to face it! That is the right decision. Live in your own heart and light no matter what!”
When the winds are heated by fire, the chaos within the maelstrom creates the power of lightning.
Agar Sabier Arisdale
Age: 20
Height: 6 foot
Species: White Tiger
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: White with black stripes
Birthplace: Zeiram
Magic: Lightining
“Just because it’s an uncommon gift, it shouldn’t make you feel that you’re defective.”
“Hey, what can I say? I’m fashionable!”
“It will take more than what she did to bring me down! ”
The red fox
Katenna Bastette
When wind is soothed by the cooling waters, the power of ice is created.
Snow Artichia
Age: 16
Height: 5-7
Species: Snow Hare
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Light blue fading to white
Skin Color: Light blue and white
Birthplace: Artichia
Magic: Ice
“I always loved dancing! I learned when I was a little girl and danced as often as I could every day!”
“If I had known long ago, when I was lonely, depressed, and scared that all I needed was my own inner light, love, and comfort for myself to be happy, she would never have taken me! I was never alone!”